Next for the FROnT project

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In the next months the project will disclose its first results, including:

  • A report giving an evaluation of support schemes for renewable heating and cooling in Europe, including an assessment of key success factors.
  • Tools to support households’ decisions regarding their heating system.
  • An analysis of market outlook, business models & policy instruments.
  • Following market surveys carried out in these countries, a report on customer key purchase criteria in Poland, Spain, Portugal, The UK, and The Netherlands.
  • An electronic tool for the estimation of levelised costs of heating and cooling (LCoHC) for geothermal heat pumps and other technologies.

A consultation, with experts from industry, public authorities and other stakeholders will be held at national level to validate the project’s findings, and an online consultation and interviews will be also organised to collect significant inputs and ensure a reliable outcome about the support schemes’ success factors .